founded in 1985 as a specialist in the hydraulic proportional technic.
Now the company is a specialist for proportional hydraulic and hydraulic
controls.The company is based in
Konstanz in the south of Germany. There are 2 factories, one for assembling
of valves and manifolds and the other one for manufacturing parts.
Het programma van Fluid-Team GmbH omvat onder andere:
- Proportional directional vlves
- Proportional pressure relief valves
- Proportional pressure control valves
- Proportional throttle valves
- Proportional flow control valves
- Èlectronic for proptional valves
- Pressure transmitters
- Special valves
- Cartridge valves
- Base-plates, sanwich plates and
- Mini valves
- Electrical controlled ball-valves
- Coolers and heat-exchangers
- Hydraulic manifolds